Terms & Conditions

St David’s School Holiday Club – Day, Early drop-off & Late pick-up sessions 


All payments and bookings are to be made via the Classforkids website only.  

We accept childcare vouchers and payments from tax-free childcare accounts. Please follow instructions on the Classforkids website to make payment. 

Payment confirms your acceptance of the booking conditions. The named person on the booking confirmation accepts the booking conditions on behalf of all persons named on the booking form.  


For holiday club bookings, alterations may be made subject to availability and with a minimum of 7 full days’ notice before the Monday of the week your child is due to attend. St. David’s reserve the right to charge an administration fee of £5 for this service.  

CANCELLATIONS / REFUND POLICY (Including child sickness) 

We require at least 14 full days’ notice to cancel a booking in order to receive a 100% refund. Refunds will not be given within the 14-day period unless agreed at a manager's discretion. We are unable to credit or swap any missed days to a later date. 

CHILD SICKNESS (whilst at club)  

If a child is unwell whilst at Holiday Club, our staff will care for the child accordingly as per the school procedures. If a child it too unwell to stay at the club, we will contact the parent/carer or emergency contact and ask for them to be collected when possible. Children with diarrhoea and/or vomiting will need to be collected as soon as possible and should not return to Holiday Club for at least 2 days. 


Please ensure that children do not bring valuable toys and belongings when attending holiday club as we cannot be held responsible if they go missing. We cannot guarantee the return of lost property but will endeavour to return items on request which we are able to identify. The school will keep lost property for a period of four weeks only. If it is left unclaimed after this period has expired, we will distribute the lost property to local charities.  


From time to time we take photographs which may be used for marketing and promotional purposes. All photography will be taken on school devices, not on staff personal devices. If you would rather your child was not included in any photographs, we must be informed via the Classforkids booking site or in writing before commencement of your booking. We will take it as permission is granted if we do not receive indication that you do not wish for your child to be in photographs.  


In order to care for your child in the best possible way, and for their own safety and wellbeing, St. David’s Holiday Club requires parents to provide full information on any relevant medical conditions, allergies, additional needs and / or dietary restrictions. 

The Holiday Club reserve the right to exclude children for whom full information, as described above, has not been provided, either from taking part in certain activities or, if felt necessary, from attending Holiday Club altogether until full information has been provided. It is your responsibility to ensure we always hold the correct information, and we reserve the right to cancel a booking at any time where there has been a failure to provide said information. No refund or credit will be issued in those circumstances.  

Holiday Club staff will not accept or administer any medication that is not prescribed. Please bring evidence of prescription with any medication to the holiday club for our records and sign it in with a member of our staff.  


Holiday Club reserve the right to charge a fee for late collection of any children. If a child is collected after the allocated collection time identified on booking, the parent / carer will be reminded of the pick-up time and reminded they need to call the school if they are running late. If this is significant lateness or happens again, there will be a charge of £20 for the first 15 minutes and then £20 per 15 minutes thereafter. 


Our staff have a duty to respond if they suspect a child in their care may be suffering from abuse, or if a child makes a disclosure about abuse. In this event the relevant staff will follow the school Safeguarding Policy and report to the Designated Safeguarding Lead any concerns that arise.  


The actual ratios needed varies between activities and age groups however our ratio of staff to children normally exceeds all statutory requirements. 

We always endeavour to group children within our advertised age groups, however due to a regulatory requirement to maintain staff to child ratios, depending on the actual ages of the children attending on the day, we reserve the right to change groupings. 


Holiday Club does not accept liability for personal injury or death of any participants unless directly caused by the proven negligence of the company or its servants.  


All children in our care are covered by our Public Liability Insurance. 


Holiday Club has a strict no bullying policy. If an incident does occur, there will be communication to the parent/carer of the child regarding the matter. We reserve the right to exclude any child for any reason at their absolute discretion. 

Furthermore, Holiday Club reserves the right to exclude or refuse any person without notice, if we consider that their presence compromises the good atmosphere of the club. Transport home will be the responsibility of the parent, and no refund/credit will be available. 

Any serious incidents involving St David’s pupils will be passed onto the Senior Leadership Team at the school. 


St. David’s Holiday Club reserve the right to amend its services and activity programme, content, times, dates and venue in the event of unsuitable weather conditions, failure of equipment, building faults and any other operational faults that may arise from time to time, without refund or compensation to the customer.  


Copies of our policies and procedures are available at the school. 


If the school is forced to close due to the compulsory closure of its premises by order of a competent authority (e.g. School Leadership Team, Local Authority, Environmental Health etc.), due to bad weather (e.g. Snow, Ice, Flood etc.), outbreak of a human infectious or contagious condition (e.g. Influenza, Meningitis, Covid-19), Industrial Action (teaching strike etc.) or for any other reason, customers will still be liable for any fees due / paid, during the entire period of closure.  


Holiday Club is committed to providing high quality before school, after school and holiday childcare and are always looking to improve our services. If you or your child are not entirely satisfied with the service we have provided, we would like to know about it. Any complaint should first be made to the Holiday Club Lead on site who will complete a complaints report, and do everything possible to ensure the complaint is dealt with quickly and effectively. If the complaint cannot be resolved at this stage, then the parent will be directed to the St. David’s Complaints Policy.   


Holiday Club is committed to safeguarding your privacy, protecting the rights and freedoms of data subjects and safely and securely processing their data in accordance with all our legal obligations. We may need to collect relevant personal details from you and the children you are booking to enable us to process your booking. This information might include names, ages and any applicable medical or dietary restrictions and, in some cases credit/debit card or other payment details. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary permission to pass on the personal details of all the children that you are making a booking for. 


If your child is displaying symptoms of Covid-19, please ensure you conduct a Covid-19 test and keep your child at home if the result is positive. If the result is negative, we are happy for your child to attend Holiday Club as long as they are well enough to. We would request that you continue to test your child as long as they are displaying symptoms. 

Date: 04/25